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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb . When it says 'Negative' , you need to make a negative sentence . Don't use the short forms ( = not 'aren't' , but 'are not' . )

( Vul de juiste vormen van de werkwoorden in . Als er 'Negative' achter de zin staat moet je de zinnen negatief maken . gebruik geen verkorte vormen = niet 'aren't' , maar 'are not' . )

11 . We ____________________ ____________________ football together . ( to play ) - NEGATIVE

12 . They ____________________ ____________________ good friends . ( to be ) - NEGATIVE

13 . I ____________________ your friend . ( to be )

14 . Mike ____________________ ____________________ all the work . ( to do ) - NEGATIVE

15 . He ____________________ a problem with his car . ( to have )

16 . Michael and Ann ____________________ the dishes . ( to do )

17 . My friend ____________________ a yoga exercise . ( to do )

18 . The table ____________________ ____________________ big . ( to be ) - NEGATIVE

19 . These people ____________________ ____________________ very smart . ( to be ) - NEGATIVE

20 . The car ____________________ ____________________ lots of options ! ( to have ) - NEGATIV E