What is one example Neil gives to illustrate how artists may behave differently?
What does the term "trainable" mean in the context of the program?
What does Mike, the self-taught painter, believe about artistic ability?
How does Dr. Rebecca Chamberlain describe the way artists process visual information?
What is the main question the program seeks to answer about artists?
A skill, such as painting, can be taught or learned, rather than being an innate ability
It wants to reveal whether artists’ brains are different from those of non-artists
They take a more global approach, making bigger saccades & shorter fixations, which allows them to get a gist-level view of what they´re observing
Artistic skills is not something you are born with, but rather something that can be learned and trained
Michelangelo worked so hard he never took a bath, and that Jimi Hendrix once set fire to his guitar on stage
blown away
child prodigy
general, overall understanding of something, without the detail
making sense of the information your brain receives about the external world
capable of being taught or trained
very impressed or pleasantly surprised by something
a young child with very great talent and ability in something
useful pieces of advice about how to do something