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Bob and Darren work together . They are talking about
interviews for a new sales manager position at their company .
This reading has many example sof the present perfect verb
tense .

Bob :
We need to make a decision on who we are going to hire for
the new salesperson position .

Darren :
I know . There are a lot of good applicants . So far we have
interviewed 10 people and have looked at over 50 resumes .

Bob :
Well , let's take a look at some of the best and make a decision .

Darren :
Ok , the first person is Phil . He ____________________ worked as a salesperson for
10 years in both The United States and Canada . Also , he ____________________
been the manager of the sales department of a large auto -
parts company .

Bob :
Sounds interesting , but ____________________ he ever worked in the food sales
industry ?

Darren :
No he ____________________ .

Bob :
That might be a problem ; we need someone with food
experience .

Darren :
OK , what about Karen ? She ____________________ worked in the food industry
for 6 years . She ____________________ been a manager of a major supermarket
and worked in marketing for a large meat company .

Bob :
OK . ____________________ she worked in international sales before ?

Darren :
No , she ____________________ never worked in international sales .

Bob :
Well , that could be a problem . This job will require a lot of
international experience . I think we need someone who has
worked in an international environment

Darren :
Well what about Larry ? We ____________________ met him yet but his
resume looks good . He ____________________ been a salesperson in the food
industry for 13 years . He ____________________ lived in The United States ,
Canada and Mexico . In the past 4 years he ____________________ learned how to
speak Spanish and French .

Bob :
Wow , sounds great !

Darren :
The problem is we still haven't had an interview with him .

Bob :
Well , let's get him in here and see what he has to say !