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Bedingungssätze ( if - clauses type II )

Theoretisch Erfüllbare Dinge . Im if - Satz steht simple past , im Hautsatz - Satz steht would / could / might + Verb im Infinitiv
z . B . If I studied , I would pass the exam .

If I ____________________ you , I ____________________ ____________________ about it . ( be , worry , ? )
She ____________________ ____________________ around the world if she ____________________ more money . ( travel , have , ? )
We ____________________ go to the beach if it ____________________ ____________________ tomorrow . ( go , rain , ? )
He'd be ____________________ if he ____________________ ____________________ so much . ( be , work , ? )
If they ____________________ sports , they ____________________ be ____________________ . ( play , be , ? )
I would read ____________________ books if I had ____________________ time . ( read , have , ? )
If she were ____________________ , she would ____________________ ____________________ . ( be , help , ? )
They ____________________ be ____________________ if they slept ____________________ . ( be , sleep , ? )
If it were ____________________ , we would ____________________ a ____________________ . ( be , have , ? )
She wouldn't ____________________ sad ____________________ she saw her ____________________ more often . ( feel , see , ? )
I'd learn to ____________________ if I didn't live alone . ( learn , live , ? )
If he had a car , ____________________ would drive to ____________________ . ( have , drive , ? )
They would watch ____________________ ____________________ if they weren't so ____________________ . ( watch , be , ? )
If we had a garden , we'd grow our own ____________________ . ( have , grow , ? )
He wouldn't ____________________ if ____________________ went his way ____________________ often . ( complain , go , ? )

Bedingungssätze ( if - clauses type III )

Dinge nicht mehr erfüllbar ( es ist zu spät ) . Im if - Satz steht past perfect , im Hautsatz - Satz steht would / could / might + have + 3 . Spalte des Verbs
z . B . If I had studied , I would have passed the exam . ( bereits durchgefallen )

If I had studied ____________________ , I would have ____________________ the test . ( study , pass , ? )
She would have been ____________________ ____________________ if ____________________ hadn't missed ____________________ bus . ( be , miss , ? )
He would have bought the car if he had had enough ____________________ . ( buy , have , ? )
We would have enjoyed the ____________________ if it hadn't rained . ( ____________________ , ____________________ , ? )
If they had known about the ____________________ , they would have come . ( ____________________ , ____________________ , ? )
I would have called ____________________ if I ____________________ lost your ____________________ . ( ____________________ , lose , ? )
If she had seen him , she ____________________ ____________________ said hello . ( see , say , ? )
They wouldn't have been ____________________ if ____________________ had slept more . ( be , ____________________ , ? )
If it had been sunny , we ____________________ ____________________ gone to the ____________________ . ( be , go , ? )
She wouldn't have felt sad ____________________ she had seen her friends . ( ____________________ , see , ? )
I'd have learned to cook if I ____________________ been so busy . ( ____________________ , be , ? )
If he had practiced more , he ____________________ ____________________ won the game . ( ____________________ , ____________________ , ? )
They would have stayed longer if they ____________________ had an appointment . ( stay , ____________________ , ? )
If we had had a map , we wouldn't ____________________ ____________________ lost . ( ____________________ , get , ? )
____________________ wouldn't have complained if ____________________ ____________________ had been better . ( complain , ____________________ , ? )

Das Passiv ( passive voice )

The windows are cleaned every day . ( clean , ? , ____________________ present )
The letter was sent last week . ( send , ? , ____________________ past )
The book has been read by many students . ( ____________________ , ? , present perfect )
The trees are not watered in winter . ( water , ? , ____________________ present )
The meal was not cooked properly . ( cook , ? , ____________________ ____________________ )
The homework has been done by the students . ( do , ? , ____________________ perfect )
Are the dishes washed every night ? ( wash , Yes , they are . , simple present )
Was the ____________________ delivered on time ? ( ____________________ , Yes , it was . , simple past )
Has the news been heard by everyone ? ( hear , Yes , ____________________ ____________________ . , present perfect )
The room is cleaned every morning . ( clean , ? , ____________________ present )
The car was repaired yesterday . ( repair , ? , ____________________ past )
The doors have not been locked . ( lock , ? , ____________________ ____________________ )
Is ____________________ music heard by the neighbors ? ( ____________________ , Yes , it ____________________ . , simple present )
Was the document signed by the manager ? ( sign , Yes , it ____________________ . , simple past )
Has the project been finished on time ? ( finish , Yes , it has . , present perfect )