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1 ) Where ____________________ you from ?
2 ) Where ____________________ you born ?
3 ) Where do you ____________________ ?
4 ) Do you ____________________ in a house or a flat ?
5 ) Do you ____________________ any brothers and sisters ?
6 ) Do you ____________________ any pets ?
7 ) What do you ____________________ ?
8 ) What time do you ____________________ up during the week ?
9 ) Where do you usually ____________________ lunch ?
10 ) What time do you usually ____________________ to bed ?
11 ) Where did you ____________________ English before ?
12 ) Can you ____________________ any other languages ? Which ?
13 ) What kind of music do you ____________________ to ?
14 ) What TV programmes or series do you ____________________ ?
15 ) Do you ____________________ any sport or exercise ? What ?
16 ) What kind of books or magazines do you ____________________ ?
17 ) How often do you ____________________ to the cinema ?
18 ) What did you ____________________ last weekend ?