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Putting Yourself in Another Person´s Shoes
Once upon a time , there was a ____________________ angel that was in charge of giving love , ____________________ , and peace to every place in the ____________________ , especially to those places where war , ____________________ , or any ____________________ feeling between people was present . This little angel is well known as ____________________ ____________________ . Saint Valentine was given a ____________________ task to do .
There was a ____________________ school where many ____________________ people studied in . You could find in that school big , ____________________ , black , ____________________ , thin , ____________________ , and from different ____________________ people .
There was a very ____________________ group in that school . They were the ones that ____________________ the school and everybody ____________________ them . They were considered the most ____________________ girls and ____________________ boys in the school . They were the ____________________ in the ____________________ teams of the school .
One ____________________ girl in the school wanted to become ____________________ of the basketball team . She was really ____________________ at this sport , but nobody wanted to ____________________ her in the group . ? Why did not you want to integrate her if she is really good ? ? asked one member of the men´s basketball team . The captain of the girl´s team answered " she is ugly and ____________________ , she is not like we are " . This new girl was not ____________________ in the basketball team for being ____________________ . The new girl was having a ____________________ time in the school because people in the school was ____________________ at her and could not do what she really loved , to play basketball . The new girl ____________________ to be like those girls , ____________________ enough to be able to play basketball with the school´s team .
Saint Valentine was sent to that school to give them a ____________________ . Saint Valentine decided to change ____________________ . The ____________________ who did not want to ____________________ the new girl because she considered her ____________________ would be in the body of the new girl , and the new girl would be in the body of the captain . The captain could ____________________ how the new girl felt for being ____________________ and ____________________ and how ____________________ she was , and the new girl could felt how ____________________ was the captain and how ____________________ she was in the bottom of her ____________________ . When Saint Valentin decided to change ____________________ and everything backed to normality , the girls ____________________ each other and started a new and ____________________ relationship . Since that event , the school ____________________ for ever . San Valentine gave them a ____________________ and ____________________ everyones´s heart .