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1 . The truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy ____________________ of coal ; that is why it overturned on the south - bound carriageway .

2 . Since it was a last - minute decision , we didn ? t have lots of time to get ready . That ? s why I made just a ____________________ of my clothes and put them in my suitcase , along with a pair of shoes .

3 . The boy was staring at the metal box with the biscuits on the top shelf , wondering how he could ____________________ it . Finally , he stood on a chair , then stepped on the kitchen counter and grabbed the box .

4 . It is astounding to watch a series that reflects so much of what is best in human beings while remaining utterly ____________________ in its honesty .

5 . The disease may cause cold sweating , nausea , vomiting and shortness of ____________________ .

6 . He was made to ____________________ down before the king and beg for mercy .

7 . When I was a teenager , I had to ____________________ with my parents every time I wanted to stay out late at night . Back then , I couldn ? t understand why , but now , twenty years later , I am thankful to them for that .

8 . It is expected that an economic crisis will ____________________ different reactions by different groups of people . That is why it is vital for governments to face the situation calmly and systematically .

9 . It is not easy for refugees to settle in a ( n ) ____________________ country at first but , gradually , they get used to it and start integrating into the local communities .

10 . If I criticize him , he gets ____________________ and starts shouting at me ; I really cannot keep being his secretary for much longer .