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A : How do you connect to the ____________________ in this house ? My phone has no internet .
B : Oh , sorry ! You need the password to get ____________________ .
C : Hey Mike , do you have a charger ____________________ that will fit my phone ?
D : Sorry no , I don ? t use one . My phone has a ____________________ charger .
E : Have you finished your application ? It ? s dinner time .
F : I just need to ____________________ it .
E : Let me check it . Hmmm . You really should ____________________ your photo ! It ? s so old !
1 . The TV isn ? t ____________________ to the internet , so you can ? t stream any programmes .
2 . Which ____________________ do you think changed people ? s lives more ? cars or the internet ?
3 . You need to be very careful with these chemicals . They are ____________________ .
4 . What was your ____________________ for this story ? It seems very true to life .
5 . We need to get ____________________ . We ? re moving house on Saturday .
6 . I didn ? t want to enter the ____________________ , but my teacher made me , and I won !