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A famous blind jazz musician was on a flight across the U . S . The plane ____________________ in Chicago for 40 minutes . The pilot ____________________ jazz music , so he ____________________ to the musician .
- " Is there anything we can do for you ? " the pilot ____________________ .
- " Well , yes , " ____________________ the musician .
- " My guide dog needs a walk , but I don't want to get off the plane . ____________________ you walk him outside ? "
The pilot ____________________ the dog around the plane . When the passengers ____________________ out of the window , they ____________________ the pilot with a guide dog . They ____________________ any questions . They just ____________________ off the plane !
This ____________________ about three years ago . I was on a busy train . There were no seats . I ____________________ a pack of gum . I ____________________ my friend . I ____________________ talking to him , but the chewing gum ____________________ out of my mouth and ____________________ on a woman's head .
She ____________________ at first . I quickly ____________________ to pick the gum out of her hair . She suddenly ____________________ : " What are you doing ? " I was scared and I ____________________ . Luckily , the train ____________________ at a station , and I ____________________ off quickly . Now I never chew gum on a train !