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How ____________________ apples do we have in the basket ?

There isn't ____________________ water left in the bottle .

She has ____________________ books than anyone else in our class . ( many )

This exam is ____________________ than the last one we took . ( easy )

He runs ____________________ than his brother . ( fast )

We have the ____________________ amount of homework in our grade . ( little )

There are ____________________ stars visible in the sky tonight .

I don't have ____________________ time to finish this project .

She is the ____________________ person in our team . ( tall )

He has ____________________ friends than she does , but they are very close . ( few )

This is the ____________________ interesting book I've ever read . ( interesting )

Do you have ____________________ ideas for the science fair ?

There isn't ____________________ sugar left , so use it sparingly .

My house is ____________________ than yours . ( big )

She sings ____________________ than anyone else in the competition . ( good )

He has the ____________________ expensive bike in our group . ( little )

There are ____________________ chairs here than we need . ( few )

This puzzle is ____________________ complicated than the one we did yesterday . ( little )

She has the ____________________ beautiful collection of shells . ( many )

How ____________________ money do you need to buy the book ?