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I go to ____________________ every day except on weekends .
We have to be ____________________ school by 8 : 30 AM .
This ____________________ I am in fifth grade .
We wear a ____________________ to school every day .
Science is my ____________________ subject .
The library is my favorite ____________________ at school .
I learn a lot ____________________ school .
The ____________________ is where we go during recess .
My favorite ____________________ to play is tag .
I like to ____________________ to my friends at lunch .
We eat lunch in the ____________________ .
Every ____________________ has a locker .
It's time to ____________________ lunch now .
The ____________________ helps keep our school clean .
We learn new things in the ____________________ .
I'm in the same ____________________ as my best friend .
Our ____________________ is very kind .
We have ____________________ first thing in the morning .
There's a ____________________ student in our class .
It's time to sit ____________________ and start the lesson .
Please ____________________ the door when you leave .
I need to close the ____________________ because it's cold .
I am ____________________ ready for the quiz yet .
____________________ me if you need help with homework .
I enjoy ____________________ class a lot .
She's a really ____________________ singer .
That ____________________ is new in our school .
This book is ____________________ our reading assignment .
Don't ____________________ too loudly in the library .
We have a ____________________ show now .
The talent show is ____________________ week .
Next ____________________ , we're going on a field trip .
The ____________________ for the science club starts tomorrow .
I love to listen ____________________ audiobooks .
My teacher asked me to ____________________ a poem .
Can you help me to ____________________ this jar ?
We need to ____________________ our homework before we can play .
We did some stretching ____________________ in P . E . today .
I use a ____________________ to draw straight lines .
I erased a mistake with my ____________________ .
My ____________________ ran out of ink .
I need a ____________________ to do my math homework .
I use a ____________________ for difficult math problems .
I have ____________________ apple for my snack .
I forgot my ____________________ book at home .
We learned how to use a ____________________ in class today .
My ____________________ in science class is very smart .
We have a ____________________ after two lessons .
Today's ____________________ is about plants .
Can you ____________________ the answer ?
To look ____________________ the stars , we used a telescope .
I checked the ____________________ to see when is lunch .
I learn ____________________ as a second language .
History is my favorite ____________________ .
I like pizza , ____________________ I love hamburgers more .
You're ____________________ . That's the correct answer .
This puzzle is ____________________ for me .
It's ____________________ cold today , so wear your jacket .
I'm to be ____________________ at ____________________ .
____________________ class is so much fun .
In Design ____________________ , we built a birdhouse .
We have a test ____________________ .
____________________ is the first day of spring .
Tomorrow is ____________________ .
I ____________________ know . What's the answer ?
I need to ____________________ more about the planets .
We have ____________________ class tomorrow .
You can play soccer ____________________ basketball during P . E .
Physical ____________________ is important for staying healthy .
Our ____________________ day is at the end of the month .
What a ____________________ day for a picnic !
We don't have school on ____________________ .
Remember to do your homework on ____________________ .
We visit our grandparents ____________________ Sunday .
I ____________________ a math test on Thursday .
Learning about dinosaurs is very ____________________ .
He is a good ____________________ .
He showed us a new ____________________ on his skateboard .
I play the ____________________ in the school band .
We have ____________________ at noon .
I can't wait to ____________________ the new movie .
The ____________________ of the race gets a trophy .
She is a ____________________ student because she works very hard .
____________________ friends is one of the best parts of school .