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We took a ____________________ to our vacation destination .
We went on a ____________________ ride across the lake .
The forest was full of ____________________ animals .
He loves ____________________ at the beach .
The Eiffel Tower is a famous ____________________ .
We hiked up the ____________________ to see the view .
The ____________________ caused a lot of damage .
Of all the ____________________ , California is my favorite .
The farm ____________________ fresh ____________________ .
The ____________________ picked tomatoes in the field .
She is proud of her ____________________ heritage .
____________________ is known for its rich culture .
He is looking ____________________ to ____________________ his dad next week .
He taught ____________________ how to play the guitar .
A colorful ____________________ flew by the window .
We saw a ____________________ bear in the national park .
The cabin was made of ____________________ .
We enjoyed ____________________ at the party .
He ____________________ next ____________________ me during the movie .
Please ____________________ down and relax .
I made a sandwich for ____________________ .
He ____________________ his daughter how to swim .
They taught ____________________ how to bake cookies .
I know ____________________ to run very fast .
It sounds ____________________ you had fun at the concert .
Did you ____________________ yourselves at the amusement park ?
You should take care of ____________________ .
____________________ you need help , just ask .
I read a book ____________________ waiting for the bus .
I would love to go ____________________ in the mountains .
Our ____________________ was delayed due to bad weather .
The ____________________ was very busy .
The check - ____________________ ____________________ was very helpful .
Don't forget to bring your ____________________ .
We need to ____________________ early in the morning .
I'm ____________________ of heights .
Our flight was ____________________ by two hours .
We talked ____________________ our favorite movies .
The plane will ____________________ in an hour .
The train will ____________________ from platform 5 .
Please wait at the ____________________ for boarding .
Our ____________________ time is 10 : 30 AM .
Don't lose your boarding ____________________ .
Have a ____________________ flight and take care !
She ordered ____________________ coffee .
He likes to ____________________ about the weather .
Her ____________________ is very heavy .
The ____________________ helped us find our seats .
Make sure you don't get ____________________ in the city .
The ____________________ asked for a blanket .
The ground began to ____________________ .
The earth ____________________ during the earthquake .
He is ____________________ the kitchen cooking dinner .
What will ____________________ if it rains tomorrow ?
It rains more ____________________ in the spring .
The storm ____________________ a lot of ____________________ .
We visit our grandparents once a ____________________ .
The Earth's ____________________ is made of rock .
The tectonic ____________________ started to ____________________ .
The fire ____________________ the old house .
The ____________________ hit the coastal town .
She likes to ____________________ clothes .
We stayed indoors ____________________ the storm .
The earthquake measured 6 . 5 on the ____________________ scale .
The ____________________ was affected by the flood .
A ____________________ - aid kit is important to have .
We packed a ____________________ for the picnic .
Can you help me with my homework ?
The bridge is very ____________________ .
A dog has a strong sense ____________________ smell .
I have a ____________________ that something is wrong .
Keep ____________________ ____________________ the edge of the cliff .
____________________ ____________________ are beautiful dogs .
The park ____________________ guided us through the forest .
The dogs ____________________ for sled races .
The ____________________ glided smoothly over the snow .
Trucks ____________________ ____________________ to the stores .