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" My fellow Americans , I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws ____________________ forever . The ____________________ begins in five minutes . " ? Ronald Reagan , making an off - camera joke . ( His microphone was on . )
" You don't know how to ____________________ . If you can't ____________________ , you'll never go anywhere . " ? Richard Nixon
" When they call the roll in the ____________________ , the ____________________ do not know whether to answer 'present' or 'not guilty . ' " ? Theodore Roosevelt
" No man who ever held the office of ____________________ would congratulate a friend on obtaining it . " ? John Adams
" If you want a friend in ____________________ , get a dog . " ? Harry S . Truman
" Blessed are the ____________________ , for they will inherit the national debt . " ? Herbert Hoover
''Forgive your ____________________ , but never forget their ____________________ . '' ? President John Kennedy
? If I had to name my greatest strength , I guess it would be my ____________________ . Greatest weakness , it's possible that I'm a little too ____________________ . ? ~ President Barack Obam a