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Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. I eat ice cream. の過去形
I Icream Iate Iice. I
2. I eat French fries. の過去形
fries IFrench Iate II
3. I eat pizza. の過去形
pizza II Iate. I
4. I go to the park.の過去形
to the went park I.
5. I go to the park with my freinds.の過去形
I with my friends to the went park.
6. I go shopping. の過去形
I Ishopping Iwent. I
7. I see a cockroach. の過去形
cockroach Ia II Isaw. I
8. I see a rainbow の過去形
a II Irainbow Isaw. I
9. I see you. の過去形
I Isaw Iyou. I
10. I have breakfast. の過去形
breakfast Ihad II. I
11. I have dinner. の過去形
had Idinner II. I
12. I have lunch. の過去形
I lunch had.
13. I make pizza. の過去形
I Ipizza Imade. I
14. I make curry. の過去形
curry II Imade. I
15. I make a bag. の過去形
I Ibag Ia Imade. I
16. I enjoy sleeping. の過去形
sleeping II Ienjoyed. I I
17. I enjoy shopping. の過去形
I Ishopping Ienjoyed. I
18. I enjoy gamming. の過去形
I Ienjoyed Igamming. I
19. I play basketball. の過去形
I Ibasketball Iplayed. I
20. I play soccer. の過去形
soccer II Iplayed. I I
21. I watch One Piece. の過去形
watched IOne II IPiece. I I
22. I watch TV. の過去形
I ITV Iwatched. I
23. It is interesting. の過去形
interesting IIt Iwas. I I
24. It is great. の過去形
was IIt Igreat. I
25. It is fantastic. の過去形
It Ifantastic Iwas. I