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Name a red juicy fruit
that we eat in salads
or cook it to make ketchup .
Some people think that it is
a vegetable , but it is not .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Name a long , thin fruit that
starts with ? B ? .
It is yellow on the outside and
white and soft on the inside .
Monkeys like to eat it .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Name a red sweet fruit who wears
its seeds on the outside .
It is small , but so tasty !
Kids like to eat it and
drink shakes with it .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Name a long , thin ,
orange vegetable
that grows under the ground and
has a green top .
It is good for your eyesight .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Name a vegetable that is
brown on the outside and
white on the inside .
And it grows underground .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Name a big orange vegetable
that you use for decoration
on Halloween .
( Answer : ____________________ )

Red and round .
Grows underground .
I always taste hot ,
Even when I'm not .
What am I ?
( Answer : ____________________ )

It's the same color as its name .
( Answer : ____________________ )