She
____________________
____________________
playing
with
his
feelings
while
he
____________________
____________________
____________________
marriag
e
listeninghadbeen
____________________
____________________
____________________
to
his
advices
for
so
lon
g
beenhadhadthought
You
____________________
____________________
that
your
dog
____________________
____________________
guilt
y
thoughthadwas
You
____________________
____________________
that
your
dog
____________________
guilt
y
wonstartedhad
We
____________________
____________________
the
trophy
when
Sara
____________________
to
cr
y
sawhadbeen
He
____________________
____________________
my
crush
since
____________________
him
in
clas
s
hadhadwonderedlied
____________________
____________________
how
many
times
she
____________________
____________________
to
m
e
feltneverhad
She
____________________
____________________
____________________
like
that
befor
e
thoughthadwouldcome
We
____________________
____________________
you
____________________
____________________
earlie
r
threatinghadforbeen
They
____________________
____________________
there
____________________
children
____________________
fu
n
rejectedhesenthad
We
____________________
____________________
all
the
information
to
the
mayor
but
____________________
____________________
our
appl
y
hadbeen
Your
dog
____________________
____________________
destroying
my
whole
yar
d
haddestroyingwhilewerebeen
Your
dog
____________________
____________________
____________________
my
whole
yard
____________________
you
____________________
at
work
.
hadread
Jessica
and
Mary
____________________
____________________
the
entire
document
hadbeenidiotwasn't
You
____________________
____________________
an
____________________
in
those
days
and
____________________
ready
to
talk
with
yo
u