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Boy : Look , here's a picture from our ____________________ in Spain !
Girl : Wow , that looks ____________________ ! Who's that ?
Boy : Oh , the boy with the sandwiches ?
Girl : Yes , that boy . Is he part of your ____________________ ?
Boy : Yes , he is . That's my cousin , Charlie . He's fifteen . And he makes the ____________________ sandwiches in the world !
Girl : And who's the boy ____________________ a tree ?
Boy : That's my little brother , Ben . He loves ____________________ trees ! Sometimes he even eats his food ____________________ !
Girl : And who's that ?
Boy : You mean the girl ____________________ canoe ?
Girl : Yes .
Boy : That's my sister , Mary . ____________________ canoeing every morning .
Girl : It's a beautiful ____________________ .
Girl : Wow , look at all those ____________________ ! That's a ____________________ lemonade !
Boy : Yes , that's my other sister , Jane . She's helping Charlie with the ____________________ .
Girl : It doesn't ____________________ a 'boring' holiday !
Boy : Oh , no ! It's ____________________ exciting holiday in my life !