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Chocolate bars . Chocolate ice cream . Chocolate milk . Delicious ! But where does chocolate come from ?
____________________ is made from the fruit of ____________________ ____________________ , starting about 100 million years ago . The Olmecs of Mexico were probably the first to grow the cacao plant . It is thought that they used the cacao ____________________ to make drinks , but there is no written history for the Olmecs .
We buy ____________________ from a ____________________ but chocolate actually comes from ____________________ beans . Chocolate comes from cacao ____________________ . Cocoa pods grow on cocoa ____________________ . Cocoa trees are grown in large ____________________ , in ____________________ places such as ____________________ in South America and Ghana in West ____________________ . After six months of ____________________ , the cacao pods are ripe and they are ____________________ . The cocoa pods are ____________________ open with a ____________________ and the cocoa ____________________ are removed . The beans are covered with ____________________ ____________________ and left to dry out in the ____________________ for about a ____________________ . The beans are ____________________ out to chocolate ____________________ all over the world .