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Today , we tell about " horse " expressions . In the past , many ____________________ depended on ____________________ for transportation , farming and other kinds of work . A lot of people still like to ride ____________________ . And horse racing is also popular . So it is not surprising that Americans still use expressions about the ____________________ .

Long ago , people who were rich or important rode ____________________ that were ____________________ tall . Today , if a girl acts ____________________ she is better than everyone else , you might say she should " get off her high ____________________ " .

Yesterday , my ____________________ wanted me to take them to the playground . But I had to finish ____________________ work , so I told them to " hold your ____________________ " ? wait until I finish ____________________ I am doing . My two ____________________ ____________________ to compete against each other and play in a ____________________ way . I ____________________ tell them to ____________________ " horsing around " or ____________________ could get hurt .