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1. I arrived in the Gaeltacht yesterday.
Gaeltach JJe Jarrivée Jhier Jsuis Jdans Jle. J J
2. I am in a very nice family but I don't understand anything and I can't speak properly.
rien Jcomprends Jne Jpas Jet Jdans Jsuis Jfamille Jpeux Jje Jtrès Jmais JJe Jgentille June Jcorrectement Jne Jparler Jje. J
3. During lunch, I wanted to say that the chicken was “good” but I made a mistake and said it was “far off”.
était Pétait Pque, P Ppoulet Pet P“loin” Pdire Perreur P“bon” PPendant Pfait Pdit Pune Pvoulu Pqu’il Pj’ai Pdéjeuner Pj’ai Ple Pj’ai Pmais Ple. P P
4. Then, for dessert, I asked for “ham” instead of “yogurt”. They all laughed a lot.
la, E Edessert EEnsuite Ej’ai, E Epour Ebeaucoup E“yaourt” Eun Eont Eri Eplace Etous EIls Ele. E Edemandé Ede Eun E“jambon” Eà. E E
5. In addition, in the afternoon my mother suggested an activity for me.
midi Dactivité, D Dmaman- Dproposé DDe Dplus Dm’a Dune Dl’après Dla. D
6. I didn't understand anything so I said yes.
dit JJe Jrien Jn’ai Jalors Joui Jcompris Jj’ai. J
7. So she brought roller skates.
apporté Aa AAlors Ades Arollers Aelle. A
8. But I don't know how to roller skate at all!
tout Mdu MMais Mne Mroller Mje Mpas Mfaire Msais Mdu M! M M
9. I fell for an hour!
suis Jheure JJe June Jtombée Jpendant J! J
10. I hope that tomorrow I will understand better.
demain Jje JJ’espère Jque Jmieux Jcomprendrai. J J