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1 . Be ____________________ - ____________________ about trying new kinds of food . You might be captivated by a new cuisine !
2 . Be ____________________ - ____________________ when it comes to exploring places on your own . You want people to think you are a confident , experienced traveler .
3 . Be ____________________ when you experience new cultures . Consider all sides of before forming an opinion .
4 . People tolerate different levels of risk . Be ____________________ - ____________________ and assess your own tolerance for adventure , uncertainty , and possible danger when you plan your trips .
5 . If you ? re traveling for business , learn about local customs and manners and try to be ____________________ ____________________ when you meet with clients .
6 . If you ? re going to hike in the mountains , prepare to be ____________________ - ____________________ . Pack essentials such as water , food , rope , maps , a flashlight , and a first - aid kit .