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Fifteen - year - old Noah's parents are ____________________ . He lives with his mum in Montréal , but for this term he's staying with his dad , who is a teacher in George River , an Inuit town in Nunavik . Noah is going on a winter camping trip to Short Lake with some friends and students of his father's for the weekend . His father isn't ____________________ ____________________ because he has to ____________________ ____________________ his wounded dog , Tarksalik . The ____________________ ( Steve and Joseph ) and the boys ( Noah , Lenny , Tom and Jakopie ) are travelling by ____________________ ( qamutik ) .
A . Then Tom comes over to our qamutik . " Nice to meet you . " He ____________________ for my hand . " So you come from the south . " Tom says as he sits down next to me .
" I guess I do . I'm just not ____________________ to thinking of Montréal as south of anyplace . In Montréal south usually means Florida or maybe Mexico . "
Tom grins . " Just about the whole world is south of George River , " he says .
Joseph's glasses are fogged over from the cold . He ____________________ at them with his gloves , then reaches into his pocket for what turns out to be a ____________________ - ____________________ GPS . " Let's renew our ____________________ , " he says to Steve .
Soon we're on our way again . Our team is right at the front ; Jakopie's in the middle , followed by Joseph's . When I turn to look behind me , all I can see ____________________ to be a mix of parts of the dog bodies - ears and legs and tails - all flying over the snow .
I pull down my ski tuque so it'll cover more of my ____________________ . I'm the only one who isn't wearing a nassak . Still , my tuque has got to be warmer than their nassaks , whoch don't even cover the ____________________ of their ears . Maybe people up here are just more used to the cold .
I move my ____________________ inside the boots Dad lent me . They're a little too big , but I wore an extra pair of socks to make up for it . In spite of thecold , my ____________________ are still moving . I figure that'sa good sign .
There's a thin , ____________________ - ____________________ band of sky over the river now . There's snow everywhere else , with a few ____________________ here and there . Not the best place to live on planet Earth if you happen to be a ____________________ .