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Emma ? s last vacation
In a small town named Sunnyville , there ____________________ a young woman named Emma .
Emma was a travel enthusiast who loved exploring new places and experiencing different cultures .

It ____________________ a sunny day in June when Emma started her summer adventure . She ____________________ on a plane to a tropical paradise called Coconut Island . When she arrived , she landed at the beautiful island airport . Emma couldn't believe her eyes as she got off the plane and the ____________________ warm tropical weather .

The first thing Emma did after checking into her beachfront bungalow was go straight to the beach . She ____________________ hours swimming in the crystal - clear waters of the ocean and ____________________ an amazing sandcastle . While relaxing on the beach , she read a captivating novel and watched the sunset every evening .

Emma also liked exploring the island . One day , she hiked to the top of a lush green mountain and admired the breathtaking views of the island below . She ____________________
a local market , where she tasted exotic fruits and ____________________ handmade souvenirs to bring home .

During her vacation , Emma met many friendly locals and other travelers . She learned to say a few phrases in the local language and ____________________ to traditional island music at a beach party . Emma shared stories and laughter with her new friends , creating memories that she would cherish forever .

As the days passed , Emma's vacation came to an end . With a heavy heart , she ____________________ her bags and checked out of her bungalow . She waved goodbye to the island and promised herself that she would return someday .