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INTERVIEWER : Sir Guy , you ____________________ ____________________ the last sixty years exploring the world . When ____________________ you first ____________________ interested in travelling ?

SIR GUY : Well , I can ____________________ you the exact day . I ____________________ eleven years old and I was sitting in the school library and I ____________________ ____________________ a book about South Africa . Suddenly I ____________________ a picture of Lake Victoria and at that moment I ____________________ to ____________________ an explorer .

INTERVIEWER : When did you first ____________________ to Lake Victoria ?

SIR GUY : Well , after I had left school at the age of 15 , I ____________________ with my uncle
for two years . He ____________________ an old man then , but he had been a sailor all
his life . He ____________________ me a job on a ship and at the age of 17 I ____________________ in Africa !

INTERVIEWER : You ____________________ ____________________ to the most interesting countries in the world . Have you ever had any frightening experiences ?
SIR GUY : Oh yes , lot ? s of them

INTERVIEWER : Which ____________________ your most frightening ?

SIR GUY : Perhaps it ____________________ one night in India in 1942 . Something really frightening ____________________ . It was about ten o ? clock and I was in bed . I ____________________ ____________________ all day and so I ____________________ ____________________ very tired . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ out my candle when I ____________________ something heavy sitting on my feet . When I ____________________ my candle , I ____________________ ____________________ believe my eyes : a tiger ____________________ ____________________ on my bed !

INTERVIEWER : My goodness ! ____________________ that story really true , Sir Guy ?

SIR GUY : How ____________________ you ask me that ! I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a lie in my life .