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" My favourite holiday is Thanksgiving . It's a day when North Americans celebrate the harvest . My hole family gets together at our house . I always cook a large turkey . "

" February 14 is the day when people give cards and presents to the ones they love . I'm really looking forward to Valentine's Day ! I already have a gift for my boyfriend . "

" New year's Eve is a night when I have fun with my friends . We usually have a big party . We stay up all night and then go out for breakfast in the morning . "

Fill in the blanks

1 . What does North Americans celebrate on Thanksgiving ? They celebrate the ____________________ .
2 . When is Valentine's Day ? It's on ____________________ ____________________ .
3 . What do people do on Valentine's Day ? They give ____________________ and presents to they ones they ____________________ .
4 . What is New year's Eve ? It's a ____________________ when people have fun and go to a big ____________________ .