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I ____________________ in one God , the ____________________ almight y
maker of ____________________ and earth , of all things visible and ____________________ .
I believe in one Lord ____________________ Christ , the Only ____________________ Son of God ,
____________________ of the ____________________ before all ____________________ .
God from ____________________ , Light from ____________________ , true God from ____________________ God ,
begotten , not made , ____________________ with the Father ;
through him all ____________________ were ____________________ .
For ____________________ men and for our ____________________ he came down from ____________________ .
and by the Holy ____________________ was ____________________ of the Virgin ____________________ , and became ____________________ .
For our sake he was ____________________ under ____________________ ____________________ ,
he suffered ____________________ and was ____________________ ,
and ____________________ again on the third ____________________ in accordance with the ____________________ .
He ____________________ into heaven and is seated at the right ____________________ of the ____________________ .
He will come again in ____________________ to ____________________ the living and the ____________________
and his ____________________ will have no ____________________ .
I ____________________ in the Holy Spirit , the Lord , the ____________________ of ____________________ ,
who ____________________ from the Father and the ____________________ ,
who with the ____________________ and the Son is ____________________ and glorified ,
who has ____________________ through the ____________________ .
I believe in ____________________ , holy , ____________________ and apostolic ____________________ .
I confess one ____________________ for the ____________________ of sins
and I look forward to the ____________________ of the ____________________
and the ____________________ of the world to come . ____________________ .