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Last holidays , my family and I ____________________ very happy to go on a road trip to the mountains . We ____________________ in a cabin surrounded by nature . The cabin ____________________ very cozy . During the day , we ____________________ hiking through the trails and the view ____________________ breathtaking . In the evenings , we ____________________ tired and we ____________________ excited to roast marshmallows and share stories . It ____________________ a peaceful and rejuvenating experience .
As a child , I ____________________ very shy . I did not like to play with other children and I ____________________ always alone . My parents ____________________ worried about me , but I think I ____________________ happy that way , with my pictures and my imagination . I ____________________ always making up stories and drawing them . Maybe that ____________________ why I became an illustrator later . I ____________________ not interested in school at all , but I managed to get good marks , and all my teachers ____________________ very impressed and said I ____________________ exceptionally smart . I don ? t know if they ____________________ right , but I did very well in high school and university later on .
Charles Darwin ____________________ born on February 12 , 1809 . He ____________________ a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection . In South America , Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals ____________________ similar to modern species . Many people ____________________ strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs . Throughout his life , Darwin ____________________ a reserved , thorough , hard working scholar .