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Tom works at a bank . He is the manager . He starts to work every day at 8 : 00 am . He finishes his work at 6 : 00pm every day . He lives very close to the bank . He walks to work
every day . His brother and sister also work at the bank , but they do not live close to the bank . They drive cars to work . They start to work at 9 : 00 am . In the bank , Tom is the
boss . He helps all the workers and tells them what to do . He likes his job . He is also very good at his job . Many customers like Tom , and they say hello to him when they come to the bank . Tom likes to talk to the customers . Tom really likes his job .

1 . What time does Tom start work ? He starts work ____________________ ____________________ : 00am .
2 . Does Tom drive a car to work ? ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .
3 . Does Tom live close to the bank ? ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .
4 . Does Tom talk to customers ? ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . How does Tom feel about his job ? He ____________________ his job .