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1 . ____________________ name is Wilder . I'm from US . ____________________ family is in New York . ____________________ brother is a university student . ____________________ name is Clark .

2 . ____________________ name is Kevin . ____________________ from Buenos Aires . ____________________ a really nice city . ____________________ sister is a student here , too . ____________________ parents are in Argentina right now .

3 . Angelina Jolie is American . ____________________ isn't French .

4 . Brad Pitt is American , too . ____________________ isn't German .

5 . My friend and I are high school students . ____________________ aren't primary school students .

6 . The Statue of Liberty is in New York . ____________________ isn't in Washington .

7 . Are you the new student ? Yes , I ____________________ .

8 . Leila and Nancy ____________________ students .

9 . Nancy ____________________ Australian .

10 . Is Julia Robert French ? No , she ____________________ Frenc h