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1 Medieval Christian theologian whose work "Summa Theologica" is still the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. (p. 314)
2 The founder of this group declared "heretics" lived a simple life of poverty and preaching. They also worked at translating the Bible into vernacular (local common) languages. (p.303)
3 The founder of this group of monks rebelled against his father's wealth by becoming a beggar, living simply and preaching this simple life of Jesus to others. (p.306)
4 This group of monks built simple unadorned stone monasteries in remote places in the 1100's. They did manual labor, prayed, contemplated and had simple unadorned worship services. (p.299)
5 A medieval "proof for the existence" of God which starts by defining God as "the greatest thing we can think of" using our minds. (p.309)
6 The focus put on the raising of the bread and wine transformed into the body and blood of Christ became the central part of worship in the 1100's. The Latin words the priest spoke during this climactic moment are cynically remembered in this satirical magic formula. (2 words, p.299)
7 Frederick, Germanic prince ca 1175 AD who united the other Germanic princes under his rule and coined the name for his realm "Holy Roman Empire." He was also called _______. (p.288)
8 This order of monks focused on converting Jews and Muslims and prosecuting Christian "heretics." Their focus was on working for the purity of belief. (p.306)
9 Jewish scholar from the High Middle Ages whose commentaries on Jewish Law were used by Christian thinkers and influenced their thought. (p.313)
10 Muslim scholar in Cordoba, Spain (ca 1175 AD) whose commentaries on Aristotle's works were used by Christian thinkers for centuries to come. (p.313)
11 The changing ideals of the High Middle Ages encouraged this new form of literature that focused on tales of love and adventure. (p. 315)
12 Philip 2 (ca 1200) was the first to use the title "King of France." He was also called __________________. (p.288)
13 New ideal of bravery, loyalty, generosity and courtesy held out for knights in the High Middle Ages. (p. 315)
14 England's constitution, Magna Carta, was forced upon king John after he lost this territory. (p.287)
15 The first law school was founded in this city during the Middle Ages. (p.311)
16 The league of northern Italian city-states that fought against Germanic kings who tried to incorporated these cities in their so-called "Holy Roman Empire." (p.288)
17 Hewas a monk, scholar and intellectual founder of the University of Paris who was castrated for his secret love affair with a nun. (p.283)
18 Even the Christian Crusaders admired the achievements of the Muslim leader who defeated the best Europe sent against him. (p.296, read entire page for correct English spelling.)
19 In 1492, Ferdinand & Isabella conquered the only portion of Spain left under Muslim control. (p.292)
20 Pope Innocent 3 launched a crusade against these "heretical" Christians in Southern France. (p.298)
21 "I believe in order to understand. " (p.309)
22 The largest of the Crusader States that went as far East as the Tigris river. (p.295)
23 This Northern Italian city-state got rich supplying merchant ships and goods for the Crusades. (p.296)
24 Pope Innocent 3 called for this crusade that ended up sacking the Christian capitol of Constantinople. (p;296)
25 Archbishop/martyr who was murdered in his own Cathedral for his opposition to the expansion of the King of England's legal powers. (p.285)
26 The great Crusade led by Richard of England, Philip of France and Frederick of Germany. It failed too. (p.296)
27 The first university was established in this city in the High Middle Ages. (p.311)
28 In the 1100,s Christian theology and worship developed an intense focus on Mary, the mother of Jesus. As the "Queen of Heaven," she came to represent everything that was the exact opposite of the Biblical ________. (p.301)
29 Medieval Europe changed the role of this piece in the game of chess that it got from the Muslims. (p. 316)
30 This symbol used to identify medieval Jews later became a symbol of idiocy & witchcraft. (p.298)