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The Altamont Concert , held only four months after the generation - defining Woodstock Festival in upstate New York , was seen by many as the end of ____________________ culture , and marked the death of the '60s , a ____________________ famous for ____________________ , musical and ____________________ revolutions .

Mick Jagger rejected this notion . ? Of course ____________________ people wanted to say Altamont was the end of an era , ? he ____________________ . ? People like that are fashion writers . Perhaps it was the end of their era , the end of their naïveté . I would have thought it ended long before Altamont . ?

Eric Danton of the Hartford Courant argues that Altamont ____________________ a more accurate representation of the '60s than Woodstock . ? In too many ways , Altamont was a condensed version of the preceding decade , with queasy race relations , well - intentioned non - conformism turned reckless and a bid for ____________________ , harmonious co - existence ? among the most valued ideals of the '60s ? shattered by senseless violence , ? he writes .

? Writers focus on Altamont not because it brought on the end of an ____________________ but because it provided such a complex metaphor for the way an era ____________________ , ? wrote rock critic Robert Christgau in 1972 .