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1 The new Islamic dynasty that moved westward from Persia pressing in on the Byzantine Empire ca 1050 AD. (2 words, p. 270)
2 The medieval system of landholding that involved oaths of loyalty and mutual responsibility between lords and vassals is known as _____. (p.260-1)
3 The First Crusade (ca 1095) was called by Pope Urban 2 at a Council in this city in France. (p. 271-2)
4 In the 1100's AD, peasants that had been forced to work farmlands owned by noble families escaped servitude and banded together to form _________ wherein they established their own representative governments. (p.258)
5 Following the 700-year tradition going back to Constantine and continued in the Orthodox East, church leaders such as bishops, abbots, archbishops and even popes were appointed by ________. (p.268)
6 During the High Middle Ages, ca 1200 AD, the Europeans dropped the Roman and adopted the more efficient Arabic system of _____________. (p.276)
7 A shrine housing the relics of this Christian saint, famous for giving gifts and making his devotees rich became a major pilgrimage destination at Bari, on the West coast of Italy. (p. 266)
8 As medieval towns became established and prosperous they pressured their local lords to grant them certain measures of independence and civil rights in the form of _______. (p.258)
9 During the "Golden Age of Islam" ca 1000 AD, this Persian scholar read all of Aristotle's works by age 18. In the field of medicine, he discovered the principle of contagion for infectous diseases and his medical textbook was used into the 1600's AD. (p.277-8)
10 The Normans (men from the North, Norse--Scandinavia originally) conquered and united the Germanic tribes of England thereby creating the English nation in this famous battle in 1066 AD (p.261)
11 The castle in Northern Italy where the Germanic King ("Emperor") Henry 4 stood barefoot wearing sackcloth and begging for forgiveness from pope Gregory 7 for 3 days ca 1077 AD. (p. 263)
12 The first king who led the Norman conquest and the unification of England as a nation. (p. 261)
13 Monks and nuns that took special vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and lived together in the cloistered worlds of monasteries were called "religious" clergy. Bishops and priests in churches in towns and villages who ministered to the local people were called __________ clergy. (p.266)
14 The Crusading movement in Medieval Europe invited and incited widespread acts of local violence at Jews living in Europe called ______________. (p. 274)
15 Noble Knight of Charlemagne (ca 800 AD) whose heroic death covering the rearguard in a retreat from Spain was celebrated in a famous epic poem (written down ca 1100 …, p. 247)
16 Unlike England, the numerous tribes of Germany did not inherit institutions and traditions of unity. In order for any leader of one tribe (It is a stretch to call these local gang leaders "kings") to gain and hold dominance over other tribes he needed the unifying/legitimating assistance of the ____________. (p.261)
17 The medieval practice of selling positions (offices) of bishops, abbots and priests in the Catholic Church. (p. 266)
18 A powerful ceremony in the Middle Ages whereby an inferior on one knee was raised up (as "a man" now) by a superior to whom he now owed loyalty and service and from whom he now expected rewards in return. (p.261)
19 This city on the northeast Adriatic coast of Italy got rich from it merchant ships trading with ports in the eastern Mediterranean region. It paved the way for European expansion and crusades in the East. (p.252)
20 The Germanic tribe of the Normans conquered this strategic island in the Mediterranean ca 1072 AD and turned it into a long-lasting kingdom and base of operations for conquest farther East. (p. 252)
21 The later kings of France would claim lineage from this local Germanic leader who defended a tiny region around Paris (Ile de France) against Viking attacks ca 987 AD. (p.253)
22 The Crusades, Christian Holy Wars fought to capture Jerusalem and other historic Christian sites in the Holy Land, were originally proposed as a diversion from the endemic fighting of the Germanic gang leaders ("kings") and their thugs ("knights"). The whole idea was originally part of a ________________ movement. (p. 271)
23 Ca 910 a new type of monastery (community of monks) following the "Rule of St Benedict" was formed in Southern France. Its ties of dependency were not with local lords but with the pope in Rome. (Remember from last chapter/puzzle, which pope first established the papal tie with this group of monks.) (p.264)
24 The problem of who appoints/controls church leaders like bishops and abbots (leaders of monasteries) was settled with a Concordat (compromise) at an Imperial Diet (meeting) in this city in 1122 AD (the secular leader nominates candidates and the pope has veto power; p. 268)
25 Peasants who were tied down (like slaves) to certain farmlands that they had to work in the service of the landowners. (p. 255)
26 Agricultural production increased in the Middle Ages with the discovery of a ___________ field crop rotation system. (p. 255)
27 Lending money for interest payments was one of the traditional vices (or sins) of Christianity. (p.258)
28 A gift or grant of land that created a mutual form of dependence between the giver (as lord) and the recipient (as vassal) during the Middle Ages. (p.260-1)
29 During the Middle Ages, ca 1200, the Europeans got this important mathematical concept from Islamic scholarship. (p. 276)