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Presentation 1
1 . ____________________ of all , let me thank you all for being here today .
2 . Let me ____________________ myself . My name is . . .
3 . I'm here today to ____________________ our new semi - automatic shelving system .
4 . My ____________________ is particularly relevant to those of you who place orders for the different parts we supply .

Presentation 2
5 . I'm happy that so many of you could ____________________ today at so short notice .
6 . As you can see on the ____________________ , our topic today is Project documentation .
7 . This is extremely ____________________ for all of us who are directly involved in international project management , right ?

Presentation 3
8 . I'm ____________________ that you all have very tight schedules , so I ____________________ you taking the time to come here today .
9 . As you ____________________ know , my name is . . . . I'm the new human resource's manager here at Western Ltd .
10 . Today's ____________________ will be very important for you as department heads , since I'll need your help to evaluate and select candidates for training