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1 In many countries , people set off ____________________ at midnight on January 1st to celebrate the coming of the New Year . The colors in the sky are always amazing .
2 My friends have decided not to give each other ____________________ for our birthdays this year . Instead , we've agreed to send each other ____________________ with funny messages inside . It's a nice way to ____________________ each other well without spending a lot of money .
3 Gloria plays the trumpet in her high school's band , so she often has to march in ____________________ on national holidays .
4 In Greece , many people celebrate the First of May by picking wildflowers and having ____________________ in the countryside . They say it's the fresh country air that makes everything taste better !
5 Many countries have religious celebrations to remember the ____________________ . These are days for people to come together and pray for their family members who are no longer with them .