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____________________ development is the process of creating a menu for a restaurant or ____________________ establishment . It involves selecting and designing dishes that will appeal to ____________________ , as well as considering factors such as ____________________ , availability of ____________________ , and ____________________ restrictions .
____________________ development also includes creating a ____________________ and format for the menu , as well as determining ____________________ and ____________________ sizes . A well - designed menu can ____________________ the dining experience and contribute to the overall success of a restaurant .
An ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ menu prices each item ____________________ . For example , on this type of menu , a typical meal such as steak , potatoes , and a vegetable , will have separate ____________________ for each item , and they need to be ____________________ separately .
A ____________________ menu lists ____________________ meals available at any time of day . Diners that are open ____________________ hours a day might use this menu .
A ____________________ menu ____________________ items after a ____________________ period of time such as ____________________ , weekly , or monthly .
A ____________________ ____________________ menu lists the menu items that are ____________________ on a ____________________ day . This word means " ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ " .
A ____________________ menu offers the ____________________ items ____________________ day .
A ____________________ menu typically has only a few items listed .
A ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ menu has items that are available for a short period of time .
A ____________________ ____________________ menu offer ____________________ ____________________ courses for a single set ____________________ . For example , a choice of appetizer , full entree with sides , and a dessert might be offered for one price , and that price is often slightly lower than if each course or items were purchased separately .
A ____________________ ____________________ menu is similar to a prix fixe menu because it ____________________ various elements of the menu into one package . For example , it may present 4 meals , and each would include a number of courses all for one price .