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The Rainbow

There was a little girl ____________________ loved the rain .

She danced ____________________ the drops as ____________________ landed on her skin .

She skipped rope in ____________________ puddles .

She stretched ____________________ arms out ____________________ spun around with ____________________ open mouth to let ____________________ water tickle ____________________ tongue .

One day while ____________________ girl was twisting and turning underneath ____________________ raindrops , ____________________ beautiful rainbow lit up ____________________ path .

She had always heard ____________________ there was a pot of gold at ____________________ end ____________________ the rainbow .

She did not see ____________________ pot ____________________ gold .

She saw light streaks ____________________ many colors .

Red .

Blue .

Yellow .

While the girl was looking ____________________ the colors of the rainbow , it turned into ____________________ bridge .

She began ____________________ walk towards the bridge ____________________ was all bright ____________________ shiny .

She danced across ____________________ bridge ____________________ disappeared ____________________ the red , blue ____________________ yellow rays .

In ____________________ town , you can hear people talk ____________________ the little girl ____________________ loved the rain .

You can also hear them talk ____________________ a bridge that leads ____________________ heaven .

The little girl crossed ____________________ bridge , and on ____________________ rainy day when ____________________ sun peaks through ____________________ clouds , you can see ____________________ hear ____________________ dancing , swirling , grinning , ____________________ laughing .

You can , just look .