Crear juego
Jugar Ordenar Palabras
1. I am looking forward entering into working life
hâte Jd'entrer Jla Jactive Jvie JJ'ai Jdans. J
2. I hope get a diploma in law.
diplôme JJ'espère Javoir Jun Jdroit Jen. J
3. I will to look for a job.
emploi Jchercherai Jun JJe. J
4. I sent an application to be cashier.
candidature JJ'ai Jcaissière Jenvoyé June Jêtre Jpour. J
5. Going for an interview is stressful.
stressant PPasser Pentretien Pest Pun. P
6. I dream of getting a job in fashion.
décrocher Jmode JJe Jde Jun Jrêve Jtravail Jla Jdans. J
7. He holds a position in a big company.
Il Idans Igrande Iposte Ientreprise Iune Iun Ioccupe. I
8. I would like to earn a good living.
voudrais Jgagner Jvie JJe Jma Jbien. J
9. I would like to have a good wage.
J'aimerais Jsalaire Jun Jbon Javoir. J
10. You can switch to a new type of employment at all age.
âge Opeut Otout Ose OOn Oreconvertir. O
11. He's afraid of being fired.
peur IIl Id'être Ia Iviré. I
12. We need to hire more nurses.
d'infirmières Iembaucher IIl Iplus Ifaut. I
13. There are a lot of layoffs.
Il Ide Ibeaucoup Ilicenciements Iy Ia. I
14. Sometimes it is useful to strike to demand improved working conditions.
des, P Pune Ptravail Pc'est Ppour Pde Pconditions PParfois Pgrève Pde Pamélioration Putile Pfaire Pdemander. P
15. She will retire soon.
va Eretraite EElle Ebientôt Eprendre Esa. E
16. Internships are very useful for developing practical skills.
pour Lpratiques Lsont LLes Ldévelopper Lstages Lcompétences Lses Lutiles Ltrès. L