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Weather in the UK

The weather affects everyone , and everyone has something to say about the weather . This is especially true in a country like the UK that has very ____________________ weather . In the UK the ____________________ from one day to the next can be completely different , or even from the ____________________ to the afternoon . The ____________________ can change from being ____________________ one day to sunny the next , or from strong wind and gales in the morning to snow in the ____________________ .

In the UK there are four ____________________ , spring , summer , autumn and winter , and the weather is different in each of them . However , there is not a sudden change between the seasons . The end of the ____________________ season is the same as the start of the spring season . It takes several weeks for the weather to change enough for people to notice the difference .

____________________ is the season with the best weather . In general , it is ____________________ and sunny with only a little ____________________ sometimes . However , it can sometimes be cold and wet for one or two weeks at a time . British people like to spend a lot of time ____________________ when it is nice in summer . After summer is ____________________ . In this season the weather gets colder and there are stronger ____________________ , also it will rain more . All the ____________________ will start to fall off the trees as it is ____________________ . Frost might start to form on the ground towards the end of the autumn .

____________________ is the coldest season in the UK . The temperature will often be at zero degrees Celsius . This means that ____________________ will often form on the ground overnight where there were puddles . This makes it difficult to walk sometimes . There might also be ____________________ , but the UK does not get much snow , mainly just cold rain in the winter . Then when winter ends ____________________ starts . The temperature will start to get warmer and the winds will not be as strong . ____________________ start to grow again and new leaves form . It is always nice when spring starts as it means the nice weather in summer is nearly back again .

Many people in the UK complain about the weather , but as the weather changes so much it is very interesting and gives people something to talk about all year round .