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The lawyers argued over the ____________________ of " lying " in the libel trial of the journalist .
His sly smile seemed to ____________________ that he knew more than he was letting on .
" Senior citizen " is often used as a ____________________ for an elderly person .
The villagers endured years of ____________________ due to the ongoing drought .
After winning the lottery , a whole ____________________ swarm of con artists started to contact her for investments .
The ____________________ rules of the community restricted even the most innocent forms of entertainment .
After centuries of neglect , the majestic castle had fallen into a state of ____________________ .
He couldn't help but ____________________ as he watched the nurse stick a needle in his arm .
The ____________________ of the room made it clear that it hadn't been cleaned in quite some time .
The forest fire had a ____________________ effect on the local wildlife and ecosystem .
She couldn't hide her ____________________ when her mistake was pointed out in front of the entire class .
Her ____________________ on the matter made it difficult to find a mutually agreeable solution .
The patient's ____________________ in her arms were a result of the prolonged immobility caused by the injury .
The doctor's quick thinking saved the patient who was ____________________ .