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1 . It is reported that the school's ____________________ students come from 23 foreign countries .
2 . When your parents get old , your roles as child and parent ____________________ ? you become the parent and the parent becomes the child .
3 . Traffic wardens have the ____________________ to give tickets for illegal parking .
4 . The under - 18s ____________________ nearly 25% of the town's population .
5 . The report shows that poor families spend a larger ____________________ of their income on food .
6 . We're not doing enough to protect the ____________________ from pollution .
7 . It is not easy to ____________________ how many people have the disease .
8 . From the smell it was ____________________ that the drains had been blocked for several days .
9 . Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a ____________________ decision .
10 . I'm sure there's a rational ____________________ for all this .
11 . The police don't usually like to ____________________ in disputes between husbands and wives .
12 . Even in small companies , computers are an ____________________ tool .