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? Should we save dying languages ?

You may not have heard ____________________ the Alaskan language of Eyak , but it is just one example of a language that has disappeared in recent years . Globalization is one factor that has resulted ____________________ the growth of dominant
languages like Mandarin Chinese , Spanish and English , and has led ____________________ the decline of many minority languages . It is estimated that two languages die out every week .

But does it really matter ? Tell us your views .
Jane : We should always preserve dying languages because language contributes ____________________ a person's sense of identity . To let someone's language die is to let part of their identity die , too .
Tim : Languages contain all kinds of human knowledge , including medical and environmental information . Our understanding of that information depends ____________________ our understanding of the language .
Pete : Languages have come and gone throughout history . It's called evolution , and we shouldn't prevent it ____________________ taking its natural course . Most languages don't die because people have been banned ____________________ using them . They die because people have chosen to speak another language in order to adapt ____________________ modern life .