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Twinkle , ____________________ , little ____________________ ,
How I wonder what you are !
Up above the world so high ,
Like a ____________________ in the ____________________ .

When the blazing ____________________ is gone ,
When he nothing shines upon ,
Then you show your ____________________ light ,
Twinkle , twinkle , all the ____________________ .

Then the traveler in the ____________________ ,
Thanks you for your tiny spark ,
He could not see which way to ____________________ ,
If ____________________ did not twinkle so .

In the dark ____________________ sky you keep ,
And often through my curtains peep ,
For you never shut you ____________________ ,
Till the sun is in ____________________ sky .

As your bright and tiny spark ,
Lights the traveler in the ____________________ -
Though I know not what you ____________________ ,
____________________ , twinkle , little ____________________ .