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L : Hi guys . How do you think you've done in the exam ?
K : I don't know . Fingers crossed , because I need an A to get into university .
L : Me too . Hey , I wonder what ____________________ 10 years from now .
K : What , when we're 30 ? Well , I hope to ____________________ a best - selling novel by then . What about you ?
L : Ah , hopefully I'll be a pilot . ____________________ all my flying exams and ____________________ 380s all round the world .
A : That sounds exciting !
L : It will be . But what about you , Anna ?
A : Well , hopefully ____________________ in New York in a luxury apartment , so you can visit me there !
L : Really ? What will you be doing in New York ?
A : Well , I'm going to be a top lawyer for a leading New York law firm . Easy !
K : New York ? Why live in an overcrowded , polluted city ? I'll be living somewhere peaceful and beautiful , and ____________________ enough money by then to buy a beautiful cottage in the country . My best - selling novel will have been a huge success and ____________________ my second one .
A : Oh , that sounds boring to me . I'd go mad living in the country - too many cows ! I'll be partying with the cool set in rooftop bars overlooking the city .
L : I agree with Anna . The country's for sheep and cows . But I will visit you Kenny , if you have a champagne book launch in London .
K : Who says ____________________ you ? ____________________ loads of famous friends by then .
A : Come on , guys , enough about our exciting futures ! We have to pass these exams first , or ____________________ them again in a year's time !