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Prince William to the rescue !
As well as being a future king , Prince William is also a qualified helicopter pilot . So it was that while he ____________________ as an RAF Sea King pilot , he rescued a teenage girl from drowning off the rocky coast of Wales . He ____________________ on duty for only 15 minutes when a call ____________________ that a young girl ____________________ difficulties in the sea . In less than a minute , the Prince and his crew ____________________ at the scene and were ready for action .
Girls in distress
Thirteen - year - old Tamara West ____________________ when a rip tide ____________________ her out to sea . From the beach , Tamara's older sister , Sharon , saw what ____________________ and ____________________ out to save her . However , in the meantime , a surfer ____________________ to rescue Tamara , and now it was poor Sharon who ____________________ against the strong current and the waves .
Calm and controlled
Prince William calmly ____________________ overhead in the ambulance to helicopter whilst the paramedic , Master Harry Harrison , ____________________ to rescue the exhausted girl from sea . The teenager ____________________ to hospital where she ____________________ a full recovery . The Prince's superior officers were full of praise for his handling of the rescue . Prince William and his crew ____________________ their lives to save the life of a young girl .