And
did
you
think
didn't
see
you
?
There
were
____________________
lights
At
least
had
the
____________________
To
keep
my
nights
out
of
sight
Only
rumors
'bout
my
____________________
and
____________________
And
my
____________________
____________________
Oh
,
____________________
,
think
about
____________________
off
of
very
tall
somethings
Just
to
see
you
come
____________________
And
____________________
the
one
thing
I've
been
wanting
But
no
Let's
fast
forward
to
three
hundred
____________________
____________________
____________________
later
If
she's
got
____________________
____________________
,
will
____________________
that
you'll
probably
date
her
You
____________________
of
my
mouth
before
it
called
you
a
____________________
traitor
You
search
in
every
____________________
bed
for
something
____________________
Baby
,
was
it
over
When
she
laid
down
on
your
____________________
?
Was
it
over
when
he
____________________
my
____________________
?
"
Come
here
,
"
whispered
in
your
ear
In
your
dream
as
you
____________________
____________________
,
baby
Was
it
over
then
?
And
____________________
____________________
____________________
____________________
?