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Marian , ____________________ ? s Haley . One of my ____________________ ____________________ me to ____________________ to the Franklin ____________________ Festival ____________________ him on ____________________ . I said ____________________ ? d go , and ____________________ ? d like you to ____________________ along ____________________ . The ____________________ is ____________________ to be ____________________ at Carlson ____________________ from noon until 10 p . m . We plan to go at 5 : 30 ____________________ our ____________________ band ____________________ the ____________________ at 6 : 30 and ____________________ ? d like to ____________________ there ____________________ hour ____________________ to find good ____________________ . ____________________ call or text me ____________________ you get this ____________________ to let me know if ____________________ ? ll be ____________________ us . I want to buy ____________________ this ____________________ , since ____________________ ? s the last day to buy them at ____________________ prices .