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1 Name for the State control of agriculture in Stalinist Russia. (p.844)
2 These laws passed in Germany in 1935 defined Jews by racial bloodlines (rather than by beliefs) and took away their citizenship and right to intermarry with "true Germans." (p.860)
3 On a single night in November of 1938, the Nazis destroyed 7,500 Jewish stores and burned nearly 200 Jewish synagogues. (German word, p.860)
4 As early as 1893, this political party in Germany made anti-Semitism part of its official program. (So the Nazi''s were not the first to do this. p.860)
5 Stretch of barren land that become a world-class steel producing city with a quarter of a million residents in only 3 years. (p.845)
6 Mussolini's private army of 50k that took over Rome without firing a shot in 1922. (2 words, p.851)
7 Argued it is impossible to measure the speed and position of an object at the same time. (p.865)
8 How did Stalin eliminate the top level officials, even founders, of his own Bolshevik party in the late 1930's? (2 words, p.848)
9 This German president hoped to coop the rising popularity of the National Socialist Party (Nazis for short) by making its leader, Adolf Hitler chancellor in 1933.
10 From 1923-1925, the most serious problem in Germany was ______. (p.854)
11 Name for the German parliament building that a young Dutch student professing anarchist ideas (with some relationship to communist ideas) set on fire one night in 1933. Hitler used this incident to dissolve Parliament and obtain unlimited powers for himself. He called the new arrangement the "Third Reich." (p.856)
12 "I am fascism." (p.849)
13 An enormous Nazi rally staged in this city in 1934 became part of the propaganda film "The Triumph of the Will." (p.869)
14 These gangs made up primarily of violent and disillusioned veterans of WW1 would provide key leaders for the Nazi Party's rise to power in the 1930's. (2 words, p.853)
15 Young Marxist theorist who got Russia's New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1921 to industrialize by simply taxing peasant farmers. (p.842)
16 Hitler's minister of propaganda. (p.855)
17 Leader of the anti-art movement in art known as Dadaism. (Famous for painting, "Mona Lisa with a Mustache," pp.863-4)
18 Leader of Hitler's new paramilitary "bodyguard" that did the mass killings on the "Night of the Long Knives," started concentrations camps and contained the secret police known as "Gestapo." (p.857
19 He parodied Nazi ideology and rituals in his film of 1940, "The Great Dictator." (p.869)
20 Also known as the "international style," this school emphasized that buildings should be strictly "functional" and not decorative. (p.864)
21 Which social class did Hitler and Mussolini have the hardest time recruiting into their ranks? (p.855)
22 British economist, influential in the US during the Great Depression of the 1930's, who argued that capitalism would only work if governments managed key aspect of providing capital and regulating currency. (p.862)
23 Hitler made his public debut in 1923 when he was jailed for being involved in this secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to take over the government in a Beer Hall in Munich (p.854)
24 The "new woman" of the 1920's wore her hair _____. (p.867)
25 Word for a violent assault upon an ethnic community. (p.859)
26 The massive project that Stalin used an army of slave labor to build by hand without any machinery that never worked and that the Germans bombed early in World War 2. (p.846)
27 Term for the social class of successful Russian farmers. (p.844)
28 Name for a forced labor camp in Stalinist Russia. (p.845)
29 Radical Socialist/Communist leader of the Popular Front (who was also Jewish) that made impressive reforms in France from 1936-1938 until fear of Jews and Communists led many to believe that "Hitler would be better." (p.862)
30 On the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, Hitler purged over a thousand leaders of this paramilitary group that had just helped him gain unlimited powers of government the year before. (p.857)