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1 US President Wilson's famous "Fourteen Points" for the Peace Treaty at Versailles called for all nations to have the freedom of ______________. (2 words, p.830)
2 Allied tactic in WWW1 with infantry following close behind tanks. (p.827, 2 words)
3 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed this treaty group later called "Central Powers." (p.800)
4 WW1 was a "total war" because it involved _____________ of all of society. (p.817)
5 A secret treaty between the new Bolshevik government and Germany that gave away rich lands to Germany in order to remove Russia from WW1. (p.826)
6 America finally joined WW1 in 1917 when Germany continued unrestricted warfare with _____. (p.807-810)
7 The Germans destroyed the 2nd Russian army, took 92,000 Russian prisoners & the Russian General killed himself at this battle. (p.806)
8 The English-speaking allies lost 200,000 men this first large-scale amphibious attack in history (p.807).
9 German foreign minister who tried to get Mexico to attack the US if it entered WW1. (p.828)
10 During WW1, Turkey committed genocide (ethnic cleansing) killing over one million of these native peoples. (p.829)
11 This new German heavy artillery could reach Paris from 75 miles out. (p.829)
12 This country joined the Central Powers sometime into WW1 hoping to gain territory in the Balkans. (p.807)
13 A corrupt faith healer adviser to the Tsar's wife who symbolized the incompetence of the traditional monarchy in Russia. (p.823)
14 The spark that started WW1 came when Bosnian Serbs assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand in this city. (p.800)
15 Contrary to popular misconception, this US holiday was actually established to celebrate the day WW1 ended. (p.828)
16 By the early years of WW1, the population of Russia was 85 percent ________. (p.824)
17 Local councils in Russia elected by workers and soldiers. (p.823)
18 Lenin used this famous socialist leader of industrial workers to initiate the October Revolution of 1917 that overthrew the Provisional Government from the February Revolution earlier that year. (p.825)
19 The martyrdom of the "Easter Rebels" in 1916 occurred in this country. (p.816)
20 The British supported these nomadic tribes whose successful revolts brought the Arab lands independence from centuries of Ottoman (Turkish) control during WW1. (p.813)
21 The party of Lenin (Bolsheviks) seized power in the name of this social class. (p.824)
22 This country lost the greatest percentage of its population (14 percent) in WW1. (p.832)
23 When Russia mobilized to fight with Serbia against Austria in 1914, she dragged in her treaty partner from the Triple Entente. (p.801)
24 "Make the world safe for democracy." (p.828)
25 This battle in Eastern France cost France and Germany 400,000 dead and no gain of territory. The French saw it as a symbolic line in the sand that they kept. (p.811-812)
26 Russia became the protector for these ethnic peoples scattered throughout Eastern Europe because their languages had similar roots in history. (p.800)
27 This country was allied with Germany at the outset of WW but due to strategic promises joined the Allied Powers. (p.806
28 The British suffered 51 thousand deaths or casualties on the first day of this battle in WW1. (p.799)
29 The strategic battle that drove the Germans back from Paris to the Aisne River. (p.806)
30 Germany, France and Britain each lost one _____ of their young men age 19-22 in WW1. (p.832)