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1 - Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest ____________________ faced by scientists today .
2 - She is planning t go to France to ____________________ her career in fashion .
3 - I'll now try to ____________________ the term 'popular culture' .
4 - You should never ____________________ people by their social status .
5 - He ____________________ two houses and $250 . 000 from his father .
6 - Can you give any ____________________ examples ?
7 - The teacher ____________________ me to attend the conference .
8 - You should change your negative ____________________ towards English .
9 - We're so ____________________ that you're able to come to the wedding .
10 - ? Water Diviner ? was a bit of ____________________ ; I expected it to be much better .
11 - Is there any ____________________ of the weather improving ? It has been rainy for almost a month .