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Daisy : Oliver ? ll be back soon . ____________________ he know you were coming ?
Alfie : Yes , we spoke earlier . We ? re going to do a bike race so we want to plan our training ____________________ .
Daisy : That sounds serious . When is ____________________ ?
Alfie : In about a month . ____________________ ? ll be hard , but we ? re going to do loads of training ? long - distance rides at weekends and shorter rides during the week .
Daisy : Wow ! But you ____________________ ? t be training every day , will you ?
Alfie : That ? s what ____________________ ? re ____________________ to talk about now .
Daisy : In here . Want some tea ? Do you want some , Alfie ?
Alfie : Yeah , please . No sugar for me ? I ? m in ____________________ !
Oliver : Right . I ? m just going to get a pen so we ____________________ write our plan down .
Daisy : Amy ? s coming round . We ? re going to watch a ____________________ ? want to join us ?
Oliver : Yeah , maybe . .

( Later . . . )
Oliver : ____________________ are you going to watch ?
Daisy : We haven ? t decided . Maybe the new Matt Damon one ? or a romcom .
Alfie : If you choose the Matt Damon , I ? ll stay , but I ____________________ ? t if it ? s the romantic one .
Oliver : What ? s the Matt Damon one about ?
Daisy : The Second World War .
Oliver : A ____________________ film ! Oh no .
Amy : Come on , it ? ll be good . It ? s had great ____________________ .
Oliver : Ah , all right then .
Daisy : Mum ? ll be ____________________ soon . Should we wait until after her call ?
Amy : ____________________ idea . Where is she ?
Oliver : Egypt . In Alexandria , but she ? s going south tomorrow . To Luxor , I think .
Amy : ____________________ ? t she stopping in Cairo ?
Daisy : I think so , yeah . How ? s the planning ?
Oliver : Ah , well . We ? re ____________________ going to do the race ! We ____________________ ? t be ready . And Alfie wants to put sugar in his tea again !
Daisy : That ? ll be Mum .
Oliver : ____________________ ? ll get it .
Alfie : And we ? ll get the popcorn ready , right Amy ?
Amy : Let ? s do it .